Thursday 11 September 2014

Romantic Poems

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Romanticism, a philosophical, literary, artistic and cultural era which began in the mid/late-18th century as a reaction against the prevailing Enlightenment ideals of the day (Romantics favored more natural, emotional and personal artistic themes),also influenced poetry. Inevitably, the characterization of a broad range of contemporaneous poets and poetry under the single unifying name can be viewed more as an exercise in historical compartmentalization than an attempt to capture the essence of the actual ‘movement’.

Poets such as William Wordsworth were actively engaged in trying to create a new kind of poetry that emphasized intuition over reason and the pastoral over the urban, often eschewing consciously poetic language in an effort to use more colloquial language. Wordsworth himself in the Preface to his and Coleridge's Lyrical Ballads defined good poetry as “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings,” though in the same sentence he goes on to clarify this statement by asserting that nonetheless any poem of value must still be composed by a man “possessed of more than usual organic sensibility [who has] also thought long and deeply;” he also emphasizes the importance of the use of meter in poetry (which he views as one of the key features that differentiates poetry from prose).Although many people stress the notion of spontaneity in Romantic poetry, the movement was still greatly concerned with the pain of composition, of translating these emotive responses into poetic form. Indeed, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, another prominent Romantic poet and critic in his On Poesy or Art sees art as “the mediatress between, and reconciler of nature and man”. Such an attitude reflects what might be called the dominant theme of Romantic poetry: the filtering of natural emotion through the human mind in order to create art, coupled with an awareness of the duality created by such a process.

How does a couple continue to kindle the spark of romance after years of marriage? Couples have always struggled with this. What is the definition of romance? Any act that helps a couple feel that they are more than roommates and that reminds them of the special feelings that they hold for each other deep inside is a romantic gesture. Feelings of love are often hiding just below the surface. All it takes to bring these thoughts out is some thought about what will make your partner feel loved 

Romance is the language of love. It is the way that you show your partner that you care about them. Every person has their own idea of what they might consider romantic. For some it will be dressing up for the other or buying flowers or jewelry. There is no way to know what is romantic without knowing the person. Romance is created by the feeling that you are genuinely cared about. All romance has one thing in common; it must show the other person that you care enough to find out what is meaningful to them.

Romantic Poems
Romantic Poems
Romantic Poems
Romantic Poems
Romantic Poems
Romantic Poems
Romantic Poems
Romantic Poems
Romantic Poems
Romantic Poems
Romantic Poems

Poetry in Urdu Images Sad Quotes About Love PIcs About Life SMS Wallpapers PIcs

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